Running of the Bulls 2015 Pamplona | San Fermin Festival 2015 Program

By Luis Cuesta – De SOL y SOMBRA.


July 6th – Evening Vespers, A religious service is held on the evening of Jul 6th which is attended by the entire city council at the church of San Lorenzo which proudly holds relics of Pamplona´s patron saint, San Fermin. Vespers are sung by local choir & recordings go back to 15th century.

July 7th -16st Bullrun/Encierro, At 7 a.m. the 1st bullrun takes place on July 7th streets adjoining the route of the running of the bulls are closed off in preparation for the 8 a.m. Bullrun. This day is always very dangerous as it attracts the most runners traditionally. We advise to be in your running position by 7 a.m. as streets get closed off!!

July 7th – 10:30 a.m. – Riau Riau At 10:30 am on July 7th, the effigy of San Fermin is carried from the church of San Lorenzo & is followed by a procession of the city council dressed in ceremonial regalia, clergy including the bishop of Pamplona & the locals.

san fermin

July 6th-13th – Encierillo at Night, the bulls are moved from the large corrals accross the river up to the corral at Santo Domingo for the morning´s encierro. Spectators are limited by the City Council & must have a security pass. The Encierillo is signaled by the blowing of a ram´s horn. The only persons in the street are the pastors & herders who work with the bulls. Onlookers observe from the high walls in total silence, anyone making noise or using flash camera would be considered to be distracting the bulls & most likely find themselves in jail with a hefty fined.

July 6th-14th – 9:30 a.m. – Gigantes, Daily the City Giants take to the streets of Pamplona. 8 giants, 4-5 metres in height & first designed by Navarra artist, Tadeo Amorena around 1850´s. they represent the mythical queens & kings of Europe, Africa, America & Asia. The Gigantes dance through the streets of pamplona & are extremely popular with the young children.

July 7th-14th – 7:30 p.m. -Merienda in Bullring, A light late afternoon meal eaten all year round but during sanfermines it is typical to “meriendar” in the Plaza de Toros (bullring) at 7.30 pm after the 3rd of 6 bullfights & washed down with gallons of sangria & kalimotcho.

July 8th-14th – 3:00 a.m. – “Caldo Soup” A light consume which is very popular with the bullrunners who have stayed up all night! beware…they start serving at 3 a.m.

July 14 – Closing Ceremony- “Pobre de Mí” A beautiful candlelight closing ceremony held at the Plaza Consistorial on july 14th. At the stroke of midnight, a rocket is fired to mark the closing of the fiesta & this is when the pañuelo is removed.

Twitter: @LuisCuesta_

@Twittaurino & @dsolysombra

Una respuesta a “Running of the Bulls 2015 Pamplona | San Fermin Festival 2015 Program”


    “. . . suenen parches y clarines.”

    Feria que honra a San Fermín,
    glorificado, . . . sin fin,
    patrono fiel de Navarra,
    mártir de la fe bizarra.

    Pamplona, se cuece aparte,
    sede del taurino arte,
    Pompeyo, su fundador,
    por designio del Creador.

    Fiesta, júbilo, alegría,
    seis de julio, mediodía,
    la Casa Consistorial,
    sobria, de rancio historial.

    Contengamos el aliento,
    balcón del Ayuntamiento,
    voz, envuelta de promesas:
    “Pamploneses, pamplonesas”.

    (grito), ¡Viva San Fermín!,
    (grito), ¡gora San Fermín!,
    estruendo del chupinazo
    que preludia un agasajo.

    El “Riau-Riau”, siempre se extraña,
    costumbre que nos hermana,
    portando rojo pañuelo,
    la gente cumple su anhelo.

    Respetuosa procesión,
    San Fermín, una oración,
    religiosidad, fervor,
    la paz, candoroso amor.

    Con danzas tradicionales,
    los trajes originales,
    gigantes y cabezudos,
    muchos de ellos “sombrerudos”.

    Lindo recital de jotas,
    escuchen que bellas notas,
    las mulillas, caballeros,
    que desfilan muy sinceros.

    Suenan Bandas Musicales,
    sus tonadas celestiales,
    sublime Teatro de Calle,
    toro de fuego, . . . no falle.

    Las luces artificiales,
    centellas, truenos cordiales;
    ¡las ocho de la mañana!,
    el corazón es campana.

    Cánticos de los ancestros,
    suelten toros, los cabestros,
    “encierros” de largo trecho,
    que no haya humano maltrecho.

    Sorteando cuernos y retos,
    más de ochocientos metros,
    muchos pies trotan de prisa,
    sudor, en la frente . . . brisa.

    San Fermín, destreza, suerte,
    si no, las heridas, muerte,
    peñas van comprometidas,
    entusiastas, encendidas.

    Marejada, corredores,
    a la Plaza entran Señores,
    ¡que vivan los Sanfermines!,
    arenas que son jardines.

    España, la madre patria,
    su cultura, su prosapia,
    leyenda, verbena, magia,
    ¡que venga la tauromaquia!

    Las velas, pañuelos, manto,
    albricia se vuelve llanto,
    “Pobre de mí”, entristecida,
    la canción de despedidas

    Autor: Lic. Gonzalo Ramos Aranda
    México, D. F., a 06 de julio del 2015
    Reg. SEP Indautor No. (en trámite)

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